Exploring the Create Samples Tool

Welcome back to Alteryx Snack, your weekly bite-sized guide to mastering Alteryx! This week, we’re diving into the Create Samples Tool, a powerful feature for data sampling in Alteryx. To keep your energy levels up, we’re pairing this topic with the classic and satisfying snack, pretzels. Perfect for crunching through your data tasks!

Understanding the Create Samples Tool

The Create Samples Tool in Alteryx is used to generate random or stratified samples from your dataset. This is especially useful for testing, validation, and training machine learning models. It allows you to create multiple sample sets such as training, testing, and validation samples from a single dataset.

How the Create Samples Tool Works

  1. Drag and Drop: Start by dragging the Create Samples Tool onto your canvas from the Preparation category.

  2. Configure Sample Sets: In the configuration window, you can define the size and number of sample sets.

  3. Select Sampling Method: Choose from simple random sampling or stratified sampling based on specific fields.

**The difference between simple and stratified sampling:

  • Simple Sampling: This method selects a random sample from the entire dataset without regard to any specific characteristics, ensuring each data point has an equal chance of being chosen.

  • Stratified Sampling: This approach divides the dataset into distinct subgroups (strata) based on specific characteristics and then randomly samples from each subgroup, ensuring representation from all parts of the dataset.

Tool Options

  • Number of Output Files: Specify how many sample sets you want to create.

  • Percentage or Count: Define the size of each sample set as a percentage of the total dataset or as a specific count.

  • Sampling Method: Choose between simple random sampling or stratified sampling based on one or more fields to ensure representative samples.


Imagine you have a dataset with customer transactions, and you want to create training and testing sets for a machine learning model. You can use the Create Samples Tool to split the data into 70% training and 30% testing sets.

Excel Comparison: DATA SAMPLING

In Excel, creating random samples typically involves a combination of functions and manual steps, such as using RAND() to assign random numbers and then sorting and selecting the desired sample size. Here’s a quick comparison:


Alteryx Create Samples Tool

Excel Data Sampling

Ease of Use

User-friendly interface

Manual and function-based




Performance on Large Data


Can be slow with large datasets

Use Cases

  1. Machine Learning: Create training, testing, and validation sets to build and validate predictive models.

  2. A/B Testing: Generate random samples to test different marketing strategies or website designs.

  3. Quality Assurance: Extract random samples from large datasets to perform quality checks and validation.

  4. Survey Analysis: Draw stratified samples to ensure representation across different demographic groups.

Pairing with Pretzels

Just like pretzels provide a satisfying crunch and come in various shapes and sizes, the Create Samples Tool allows you to create diverse and representative samples from your data, ensuring you have the right "bite-sized" pieces for your analysis.

Try It Out!

Grab a handful of pretzels and start creating your sample sets with Alteryx’s Create Samples Tool. Whether you’re preparing data for machine learning or performing quality checks, this tool will make your data sampling tasks efficient and effective.

Stay tuned for the next edition of Alteryx Snack, where we’ll explore more tips, tricks, and tasty pairings to boost your data analytics journey!

Happy snacking and analyzing!


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